Welcome To York Farms
12th Annual Production Sale
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Welcome to York Farms, located in Palestine, Illinois, owned and operated by Robert and Joel York. York Farms began originally as a commercial cow-calf operation started by Robert’s father. In 1996 York Farms purchased our first purebred Angus heifer as a 4-H project, and we have grown from there.
Today the York Farms herd consists of approximately 100 Angus and commercial cows who are used for recips. Our farm also has around 1,400 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa.
Our program utilizes extensive AI and embryo transfer. We are proud to have produced excellent females who have won everywhere from the state to the national level. Our goal at York Farms is to produce eye appealing and genetically valuable cattle for both the purebred and commercial industry.
We have been a long- time consigner to both the Illinois Angus Futurity and the Wabash Valley Angus Association Sales and host an annual production sale at the farm. Please visit our For Sale page for videos and more information on the York Farms Production Sale.